Budgeting is one of the most-discussed financial planning topics out there. It’s with good reason because having a plan for your money is one of the most important things you can do to take control of your finances. Most people don’t have or follow a strict budget which can get them into trouble, i.e overspending, […]

Money Basics Series: Budgeting

So, I’m not a natural rule follower (Sorry mom!), even when I create the rules for myself. They’re too restrictive, sap the joy out of what I’m doing, and generally leave me with an icky feeling. That’s probably why I hate the idea of following a strict budget. In case it wasn’t clear, I don’t […]

Why You Don’t Need a Budget

I don’t mean to get all preachy on you guys, but I am definitely calling these our “4 Commandments.” Anyone who knows me knows that I’m not a massive “rule” person, but there are some truths and systems that are undeniably effective. Below are the key tenets of what I teach clients. I’ve refined them […]

Dare to Dream Planning Commandments