Like so many others I spent yesterday stressed, anxious, apprehensive, and eating my feelings. My personal poison of choice was kettle chips and skittles. I stayed up until 4 am attempting to guess what would happen and whether our nation had learned its lesson from the last four years. It turns out that many of […]

Let’s not lose sight of what really matters

There is so much attention on supporting black businesses and buying black right now, but my mission of working with women of color has been in my heart for a long time. I grew up with lots of strong, beautiful, and smart women in my family. They served as daily inspiration for me in so […]

Why WOC?

We all know the statistics. Latinas earn .54 for every $1 that a white man earns. For black women, that figure is like .61. It’s a national disgrace, and I don’t pretend for a moment to be the woman with the answer to the big systemic problems. I am just a single woman of many […]

Creating Wealth as a WOC