2020 Goals
2020 Goals
So I’m going to depart a bit from my normal, money-focused content and talk a bit about my goals for this year. I already discussed how I’m getting a bit of a late start on my goals this year, so here I am posting this in mid-February and not caring one bit that I’m a good 6 weeks behind the rest of you!
1. Work on my spiritual health
My parents out there know just how relentless parenthood can be. All the routines, system and support in the world cannot prepare you for just how unrelenting it feels. For years, I felt like I was at the end of my rope and blamed everything under the sun for those frustrating moments. It was only a few months ago that I realized how much I had neglected my spiritual health and how that manifested itself in my day to day life.
This year I’ve set daily meditation, journaling, and prayer as a non-negotiable goal. I definitely fell off when I was sick a few weeks ago, but I’ve been on the ball for the past 3 weeks and can already detect a spiritual shift. I am hopeful that I can closeout 2020 in a more spiritually robust fashion.
2. Focus on my physical health
This is an obligatory new year’s resolution, right? I promise I’m not a January gym newbie, although there is nothing wrong with that!
I’ve been big on fitness for years now. I’ve run a few half marathons and generally take time to work out frequently. However, now that I’ve realized the benefits of my routines and the compound effect of my daily choices, I’ve refocused and made it in my top 3 priorities for the year. From now on, I’m scheduling in physical activity every single morning (right after school drop off for the kids on weekdays and with the kids on weekends) and it feels great. Right now I’m focused on strength training, swimming and running and have created my own schedule (swimming on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday); strength training Monday, Wednesday and Friday) and running on Sundays to avoid having to decide what I’m doing each day. It’s worked out beautifully thus far, and I’m pleased with how disciplined and proud of myself I feel. (jumping into a cold pool at 7:30 am can do that to you!)
3. Provide Value and Grow my Business
I’ve been in business for myself for almost a year now, and I am so proud of the progress I’ve made. I love being a financial planner and feel I can add immense value to my clients’ quality of life by removing financial stress from their life and allowing them to dream big again. However, not everyone is going to hire me as their financial planner and I want to be able to help as many people as I can with my knowledge/message. So I will be here posting helpful/inspirational tidbits weekly and posting lots on Instagram (follow me!) in the hope that I can help as many people as possible to achieve their financial and life goals.
4. Launch my podcast
I’ve been talking about this one since October, and was starting to feel as if it would never happen. There have been delays in and outside my control, but I will officially be launching next week!!! I know you can’t see me right now, but I’m dancing while typing this.
The fact that I’m a first-generation American is a huge part of my identity. I love my parent’s cultures and am launching a podcast to talk about all the common identity struggles we first-generation Americans experience, and how we’ve chosen to navigate those. I’m super excited about this project, and can’t wait for you to hear it!
What are your goals this year? What are you hoping to accomplish?