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Hello world!

Tax season is obviously the “topic du jour nowadays. Meaning everyone is stressed, focused, anticipating what this will mean for their finances. I am writing this to help make life easier for you this tax season.  I find that tax time is stressful like no other for everyone, especially entrepreneurs. Y’all are usually scrambling last […]

How You Can Make 2022 Tax Season Chill

I often see entrepreneurs under-saved for retirement for many reasons. Cash flow isn’t particularly predictable. You don’t know how much you’ll make this year, so you don’t know how much to contribute. Saving for retirement isn’t as straightforward as contributing to your workplace 401(k). You are generally unfamiliar with the different vehicles that are available to you. I completely […]

Two Tips to Simplify Retirement Savings for Entrepreneurs

I’ll tell you a bit about my own career trajectory, leap to entrepreneurship, and how I’ve personally witnessed a financial transformation that has convinced me it’s really the golden ticket. I worked in wealth management for 8 years before I left to launch my own firm. I spent a lot of that time eagerly trying […]

Why Entrepreneurship is the Golden Ticket for WOC

Here we are on DAY FOUR of my 10 days of tips on business owner finances. Today, we’ll be discussing everyone’s favorite topic- tax time!! Tax season is a monster for accountants, but also their clients. There is apprehension, dread, stress, and pressure all mixed with a dabble of “dang, I should have done this […]

3 Ways You Can Prepare for Tax Time

Alright guys- we’re here for day 2/10 of giving you business owners tips to avoid costly mistakes and feel financially empowered. Here are a few things I commonly see amongst business owners regardless of whether you’re just starting out in business or have been in the game for years. Ignoring them completely I totally get […]

5 Mistakes Entrepreneur’s Make with their Finances

You already know that I am incredibly passionate about financially empowering black women and other women of color to live life on their own terms. It’s been shown time and time again that one of the easiest ways to build substantial wealth in a single generation in through entrepreneurship. However, in my day to day, […]

Mindset Shifts Every Entrepreneur Needs

Like so many others I spent yesterday stressed, anxious, apprehensive, and eating my feelings. My personal poison of choice was kettle chips and skittles. I stayed up until 4 am attempting to guess what would happen and whether our nation had learned its lesson from the last four years. It turns out that many of […]

Let’s not lose sight of what really matters

I was recently on an introductory consultation call with a prospective client. We were discussing her financial future and how I might be able to best support her right now. We had reached the portion of the call where I typically ask what their goals and vision for their future life is. In this instance, […]

What do I want?

These last few weeks have been incredibly hectic, busy and so exciting all at the same time. I’ve felt really aligned with my mission of contributing to my community by providing sound financial education to make some significant changes in our trajectory. I’m continuing to beat the drum about the lack of diversity in the […]

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