Looking for things to do while quarantined?

So, we’re all trapped in our homes and looking for things to do. Looking for another way to pass the time or a reason to go to the store. Here are a few of the things I’m eating/listening to/ reading right now to pass the time (that is besides giving my kids a snack for the 3,000th time today).

Yummy things to eat

This curried lentil soup is bomb. I’d go a little easier on the curry the next time I make it.

I’ve eaten way more of these kettle chips than I’d like to admit.

If you’re into baking, these coconut-topped brownies lasted about 5 seconds in my house. They’re SO good.

Uplifting things to listen to

Brooke Castillo is my favorite podcaster of all. She released a series to help people deal with Coronavirus-associated stress. It’s helped me a lot to rethink the anxiety and panic around our current global situation.

My life coach, Erika Cramer, has been releasing a ton of podcast episodes that focus on managing our minds during this crazy time. She’s amazing and hilarious, and pushes me to live more fully as myself. Quick disclaimer- she’s a bit sweary in case there are little ears around.

Tony Robbins recently had Sarah Blakely, the founder of Spanx on his podcast. This was SO fascinating and motivating as a business-owner.

Things to watch

Have you guys seen The Hunters? It’s so interesting and scary. Al Pacino is one of my favorite actors, and he really doesn’t disappoint here. Fair warning, there’s a good bit of violence in this show.

I just finished watching Season 3 of Babylon Berlin. This is such a trippy, thrilling show that I’ve been loving for years. This quarantine gave me an opportunity to watch the third season, and it definitely didn’t disappoint. The cinematography and scenery are still as beautiful as ever!

What are you guys doing to keep yourself entertained during the quarantine?





Looking for things to do while quarantined?

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