A Few Updates

These last few weeks have been incredibly hectic, busy and so exciting all at the same time. I’ve felt really aligned with my mission of contributing to my community by providing sound financial education to make some significant changes in our trajectory. I’m continuing to beat the drum about the lack of diversity in the financial services industry, why women of color need tailored financial advice, and concrete things people can do to improve their financial lives.

Here are some links to articles I’ve been featured in, and for some events I’ll be speaking at in the next few weeks.

I was featured in an article about the lack of diversity in the financial services field and why I founded my own firm.

I’ll be speaking at the Ally Invest conference on June 24th. We’ll be having lots of real talk about the Wealth Gap and concrete ways we can overcome it.

Mark your calendar for July 8th! I’m participating in Business Insider’s “Master Your Money Bootcamp” which is all about adjusting your financial plans around COVID-19.

A BusinessInsider article on why Private Student Loan refinance should be considered.

Last but not least, an article on how the COVID-19 pandemic will likely change our generation’s relationship to money forever.

I hope you’re thriving out there.

Talk soon,






A Few Updates

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