Like so many others I spent yesterday stressed, anxious, apprehensive, and eating my feelings. My personal poison of choice was kettle chips and skittles. I stayed up until 4 am attempting to guess what would happen and whether our nation had learned its lesson from the last four years. It turns out that many of […]

Let’s not lose sight of what really matters

I’ve already given you guys some thoughts on the current market environment. That was about two weeks ago, and I think it’s pretty clear that the volatility and downturn are not over, and likely won’t be for a while. So let’s talk about the things that you can do right now to set yourself up […]

Some things you CAN do while markets are volatile

This market feels kind of crazy right? Like if you look away for 5 minutes, you just won’t know how bad it will get. I think we’re all kind of freaked out at the moment, but I’d like to remind all of you out there about a few of the basics: This Too Shall Pass […]

A few thoughts on this crazy market…

2020 Goals So I’m going to depart a bit from my normal, money-focused content and talk a bit about my goals for this year. I already discussed how I’m getting a bit of a late start on my goals this year, so here I am posting this in mid-February and not caring one bit that […]

2020 Goals